How to Determine What Size Belt to Order


There is no magic gun belt sizing formula that works for EVERY person and EVERY gear combination.  The best and most accurate method of determining what size belt you should order is to actually MEASURE a belt that you currently wear.  But as a general rule of thumb, in MOST cases the belt will need to be 3" to 6" greater than your pants waist size, depending on whether you plan to wear a holster, what kind of holster, and the size of the holster.  In some cases with a very large Inside The Waistband (IWB) holster, a belt 7" greater than pants waist size might be appropriate.

How to measure your current belt (make sure to use a belt that doesn't stretch):

Put the belt on WITH whatever gear you plan to wear on your Beltman belt (holster, extra mags, flashlight, etc).  Adjust the belt to the proper snugness for security and comfort, and take note of the hole you are using. Then take the belt off and lay it out STRAIGHT on a table and measure from the FAR END of its buckle to the hole you used during your fit-test.  Round the measurement to the nearest inch, and if your measurement is exactly on the half-inch, we recommend you round UP to the next inch.

How to measure a gunbelt

This measurement represents the actual circumference of your waist (with pants on) and is the size belt you need to order.  For example, if your current belt measures 38 inches from the FAR END of the buckle to the hole you use (with your holster or other gear on), then order a size 38 Beltman belt, which will be 38 inches from the FAR END of the buckle to the CENTER hole, which will give you maximum adjustability in both directions.

If you don't currently have a non-stretchy belt that fits you well, use a cloth tape measure to measure the circumference of your waist (WITH pants on). Put the tape measure through the belt loops on your pants and pull it just a LITTLE snug. Note the measurement to the nearest inch (and again, round up if right on the half-inch).

The measurement you get with either of these methods is the size belt you should order, and will likely be larger than you think your waist is -- this is normal.  In most cases, a person's measured circumference around their pants and through the belt loops, is 3" to 6" greater than their pants size.  The exact difference between pants size and belt size will depend on the gear you plan to wear with your belt, as well as your personal preferences with regard to snugness.  But if the measurement you get with either of the methods described above is NOT 3" to 6" greater than your pants size, we recommend you call us to discuss the discrepancy.

If you plan to use your Beltman belt for casual or dress wear, or with an Outside Waistband Holster, a belt that is 4" larger than your pants size would probably fit well.  If you use an Inside Waistband Holster (IWB), adding 5" to your pants size will usually work, although if your IWB hoster and gun is especially large/bulky, you might need to add 6" or even 7" to your pants size.

Although measuring a current belt and/or using a cloth measuring tape to measure yourself are the most dependable methods of determining your size, you can use the table below as a quick reference.

But first, a few more comments about sizing: You are about to buy a dual layer gun belt made from a selection of several different types of leather; bull hide, horse hide, or elephant, or a combination of two of them. Our belts are designed to be stiff and firm to support your side arms and other gear, and they will do all of that very well.  However, they will not defy gravity! If you hang a two-pound pistol on ANY belt and don't buckle it up snugly enough, it's going to sag. This should be remembered as you are choosing which hole in your current belt to measure to, especially if you are going to be carrying IWB.  And many of our customers use the same belt for IWB carry and casual wear without a firearm. If this is what you have in mind, and you carry IWB often enough, and if your measurement when carrying versus NOT carrying is significantly different (2 inches or more), you can order a belt IN BETWEEN the two measurements. If you carry IWB every day, measure that way. If you don't carry at all, measure that way.

If you have any questions about getting a properly sized belt, please don't hesitate to call us at 205-415-5000.  We look forward to helping you get an awesome gunbelt that fits perfectly!


The numbers in the chart below are NOT recommendations, but are the most common belt sizes that work for the listed pants sizes.  But measuring a belt that currently fits you is the BEST way to get YOUR belt size, so please only use the chart below as a last resort if you simply CAN'T find (or borrow) a belt that fits you.

(OWB=Outside Waistband Holster, IWB=Inside Waistband Holster).

Pants Size

Belt Size OWB

Belt Size IWB

25 29 30 or 31
26 30 31 or 32
27 31 32 or 33
28 32 33 or 34
29 33 34 or 35
30 34 35 or 36
31 35 36 or 37
32 36 37 or 38
33 37 38 or 39
34 38 39 or 40
35 39 40 or 41
36 40 41 or 42
37 41 42 or 43
38 42 43 or 44
39 43 44 or 45
40 44 45 or 46
41 45 46 or 47
42 46 47 or 48
43 47 48 or 49
44 48 49 or 50
45 49 50 or 51
46 50 51 or 52
47 51 52 or 53
48 52 53 or 54
49 53 54 or 55
50 54 55 or 56
51 55 56 or 57
52 56 57 or 58
53 57 58 or 59
54 58 59 or 60
55 59 60 or 61
56 60 61 or 62
57 61 62 or 63
58 62 63 or 64
59 63 64 or 65
60 64 65 or 66
61 65 66 or 67
62 66 67 or 68
63 67 68 or 69
64 68 69 or 70
65 69 70 or N/A
66 70 N/A



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